Main Track

List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

Diagnosis the internet's health - Mozilla Internet Health Report

Mozilla Internet Health Report ( is an annual report talk about what’s helping and what’s hurting the internet. It discuss different aspect of Internet, from personal experience to global concerns. In last year's report, we discuss issues from privacy of IoT to domination of Social Network. In the talk, I will introducing and sharing the best stories from this year's latest report.

From 0 To 1, HK01 Internet Transformation With Open Source

HK01 is a well-known digital media company, but we are building something different currently. Our data driven jobs are powered by Kafka + Spark + TensorFlow. We runs 50+ micro services on Kubernetes. HK01 app is one of the earliest Apps of the world which fully build on ReactNative.

This talk will cover why and how open source helps us on both technical and mindset parts, while doing our Internet transformation.

Blockchain Scalability solutions - How to build decentralized exchanges

One of the main challenges for widespread adoption of blockchain technology is scalability. In this session, Lio will share insights of a decentralized exchange project Enuma is working on, which recently received an Ethereum Foundation grant for tackling scalability issue.

The current system of centralized exchanges and decentralized platforms has inherent weaknesses which limit its potential to service the rapidly developing cryptocurrency market. These weaknesses are also a hindrance to widespread acceptance of cryptocurrency as an asset class.

Fn project: How serverless empowers developers to adopt different programming languages

The idea of adopting multiple programming languages to build highly distributed applications is not new to anyone. We all been taught to use necessary toolkits to solve certain problems in the most efficient way. 12Factor concept helped us to understand how to shift from the monolithic applications to smaller functional units - microservices, with that we can extract the most critical pieces of code into a microservice that can be made natively fault-tolerant.