
List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

How I make a podcast website using serverless technology in 2023

In 2022, I launched a Kotlin podcast show, Kotlin Fireside Chat, with my friends in Kotlin User Group. Now, we're taking things to the next level by building a podcast website with a statistical analysis dashboard. We've built a static website using Jamstack and connected it to a serverless API written in Kotlin. In order to aggregate the listener number across platforms, such as YouTube, BiliBili, Ximalaya, Lizhi, Qingting, we've also created a crawler to grab those numbers and display them in a custom dashboard.

Building online technical community in the era of COVID-19 / 疫情時代我經歷的線上技術社群經營

It’s hard to arrange community events after COVID-19 pandemic. But there is still a strong need to gather, to share, and to learn from other developers. In this talk, I will share our experiences of how to build the Koltin community online in Taiwan from 2019 to present. The topics will be about how we arrange study jams, how we run workshops, how we build a team to attend competitions, how we connect companies to become a league, and the most important, how we grow the community and the lesson learned.

Build an API service using Ktor rapidly

Kotlin is not only for mobile development but also for backend (it could be used everywhere actually!). In JetBrains, we build Ktor framework for backend development such as website, API, microservice. In this talk, I will introduce what Ktor is, how to integrated with Exposed SQL library, demonstrate how to build a RESTful API service in just a few lines of code. After listening to this talk, you will learn how to build API with Ktor rapidly.