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List of Events
Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology for Documents
Blockchain Discussion Panel
Blockchain for creative contents: What we do in LikeCoin
Blockchain Scalability solutions - How to build decentralized exchanges
Browsers: Behind the scenes!
Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deployment with Kubernetes, Docker and Ansible
Crossing Relation and Document Database using MySQL
Dapp: a new approach to combine blockchain and cryptography into web application
Data Pipeline with Apache Kafka
Deploy a serverless chat bot quick with Skygear
Disruption to the System: How Open Data is changing Genomic Research
Fn project: How serverless empowers developers to adopt different programming languages
From 0 To 1, HK01 Internet Transformation With Open Source
Git Time Travellers
Haxe as a better JavaScript: a practical guide for making front end development fun, fast and less overwhelming
Heading to the New Stage of MySQL 8.0
How OpenResty guarantees the code quality of open source projects
Let's Fix The Internet
Lightning Talk
Maintaining Open Source While Maintaining Your Sanity
Managing the domain names of your open source projects with Gandi
Memory Forensics 101
Mixed Reality for the Web
MySQL Fault Tolerant Best Practice - Lesson Learned from cases that I experienced
MySQL Group Replication在金融场景的应用实践
Open Source of Agriculture
Practical JavaScript Fuzzing
R Short Talk: Interpretable machine learning model, example of using gradient boosted GAM in R
R Short Talk: Stock market data analysis with R
Raspberry Pi R3 - Scalable High Availability MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Apache Kafka® Distributed Streaming Platform - Resiliency Testing
React Async Rendering - Paradigm Shift After React Fiber
Refactoring Gibbon
Run Multiple Isolated Web Applications on Containers with a Single IP in the Cloud
Scaling TB's of data with Apache Spark and Scala DSL at Production
The Boring AI in business
Type-safe REST API with Haxe
Unconference: Anime Scene Search by Image
Unconference: Not 1Password - A Homebrew Secret Distribution System
Unconference: Open Source AI/ML Tools & Technology for Product Developers
Using Web Software Architecture in Traditional Desktop App Development - How Flux/Redux was ported to Qt/QML.
Video.js with HLS
Why your domain name matters
Day 1
09:30 - 10:00
Reception Area
Lightning Talk & Unconference Registrations
Reception Area
10:00 - 10:30
Charles K Kao Auditorium
Opening and Opening Remark
10:30 - 11:00
Charles K Kao Auditorium
Maintaining Open Source While Maintaining Your Sanity
11:05 - 11:35
Charles K Kao Auditorium
Why your domain name matters
11:40 - 12:10
Charles K Kao Auditorium
From 0 To 1, HK01 Internet Transformation With Open Source
12:15 - 12:45
Charles K Kao Auditorium
Blockchain Scalability solutions - How to build decentralized exchanges
12:45 - 14:00
Lunch & Expo
14:00 - 14:30
Conference Hall 4-5
Using Web Software Architecture in Traditional Desktop App Development - How Flux/Redux was ported to Qt/QML.
Conference Hall 6
Blockchain for creative contents: What we do in LikeCoin
Conference Hall 7
Haxe as a better JavaScript: a practical guide for making front end development fun, fast and less overwhelming
14:40 - 15:10
Conference Hall 4-5
Containerized High Availability Virtual Hosting Deployment with Kubernetes, Docker and Ansible
Conference Hall 6
Dapp: a new approach to combine blockchain and cryptography into web application
Conference Hall 7
Type-safe REST API with Haxe
15:20 - 15:50
Conference Hall 4-5
Memory Forensics 101
Conference Hall 6
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology for Documents
15:50 - 16:20
Afternoon Break & Expo
16:20 - 16:50
Conference Hall 4-5
Git Time Travellers
Conference Hall 6
Let's Fix The Internet
Conference Hall 7
The Boring AI in business
17:00 - 17:30
Conference Hall 4-5
How OpenResty guarantees the code quality of open source projects
Conference Hall 6
Blockchain Discussion Panel
Conference Hall 7
R Short Talk: Interpretable machine learning model, example of using gradient boosted GAM in R
17:40 - 18:10
Conference Hall 4-5
Data Pipeline with Apache Kafka
Conference Hall 6
Blockchain Discussion Panel
Conference Hall 7
R Short Talk: Stock market data analysis with R
18:10 - 18:15
Day 2
09:30 - 10:00
Reception Area
10:10 - 10:40
Conference Hall 4-5
Run Multiple Isolated Web Applications on Containers with a Single IP in the Cloud
Conference Hall 6
Heading to the New Stage of MySQL 8.0
Conference Hall 7
10:50 - 11:20
Conference Hall 4-5
Scaling TB's of data with Apache Spark and Scala DSL at Production
Conference Hall 6
Crossing Relation and Document Database using MySQL
Conference Hall 7
11:20 - 11:50
Morning Break & Expo
11:50 - 12:20
Conference Hall 4-5
Fn project: How serverless empowers developers to adopt different programming languages
Conference Hall 6
Raspberry Pi R3 - Scalable High Availability MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Apache Kafka® Distributed Streaming Platform - Resiliency Testing
Conference Hall 7
Open Source of Agriculture
12:30 - 13:00
Conference Hall 4-5
Video.js with HLS
Conference Hall 6
MySQL Fault Tolerant Best Practice - Lesson Learned from cases that I experienced
Conference Hall 7
Refactoring Gibbon
13:10 - 13:40
Lunch & Expo
Conference Hall 4-5
Lightning Talk
Conference Hall 6
MySQL Group Replication在金融场景的应用实践
13:40 - 14:30
Lunch & Expo
14:30 - 15:00
Conference Hall 4-5
Browsers: Behind the scenes!
Conference Hall 6
Managing the domain names of your open source projects with Gandi
Conference Hall 7
Unconference: Not 1Password - A Homebrew Secret Distribution System
15:10 - 15:40
Conference Hall 4-5
Mixed Reality for the Web
Conference Hall 6
React Async Rendering - Paradigm Shift After React Fiber
Conference Hall 7
Unconference: Anime Scene Search by Image
15:40 - 16:10
Afternoon Break & Expo
16:10 - 16:40
Conference Hall 4-5
Practical JavaScript Fuzzing
Conference Hall 6
Disruption to the System: How Open Data is changing Genomic Research
Conference Hall 7
Unconference: Open Source AI/ML Tools & Technology for Product Developers
16:50 - 17:20
Conference Hall 4-5
Practical JavaScript Fuzzing
Conference Hall 6
Deploy a serverless chat bot quick with Skygear